09 July 2010

hw , hw , hw ! =/

ada jak hw stiap hari ! y ? i hate it !
now our hw not only 1 or 2 sbject , but 7 bha ? huh ?
y its too many oww ?
 im so tired to do all of dat .
im not a ROBOT !
oh tcher ! please understand us ?
please don't mke us stress with ur hw given .
til we can't completed it .
i'd tried my bez to did a certain hw .
but only a little bit i know . huhu .
ok . STOP with dat !

school ?
hmm , tmorrow is a school day !
0mg ! we'll back home at 1.50 ?
too late ? =/
but , its ok . i want to study hard for my 2nd sem :)
hope i'll get a best rsult for august test :)
amin :D

one more thing , saya sda smkin RAJIN STUDY !
yeah ! saya suka itu .
ada sda pningkatan yg ktara . ahah !
saya hrap ini bertrusan .
saya akan BUKTIKAN pda parents saya yg SAYA BOLEH !
i'll be successful one day ! insyallah :)



Saiful Yusuf said...

smgt thu yg mahal :)

MRS55 said...

mahal kn ? hehe .

Saiful Yusuf said...

mahal brabis :)
btw , gud luck ! luv u !! :)